Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement, Inc.

Quezon City

Jubilee South, better known as the Asian Peoples' Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD), is an alliance of 54 peoples’ movements, grassroots organizations, NGOs, and networks operating in 15 countries: the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Japan, and Korea. These organizations collaborate and partner with the goal of asserting democratic control over energy investment to end reliance on fossil fuels and build a clean-energy electricity sector.

APMDD offers expertise on development finance, debt, gender, and climate justice, and the transformation of energy systems to build low-carbon economies that are equitable, resilient, and sustainable. Their collaborative regional campaigns help strengthen movement work against coal and fossil fuel development in Asia and translate gains into decision-making on public budgets, investment policy, and sovereign debt management.


24 months
For general support
Citizen Organizing
24 months
For general support
Citizen Organizing
12 months
For trans-local citizen organizing in Southeast Asia on coal and energy policy
Citizen Organizing
database icon

Our online database includes grants made by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund over the past five years.