
Stephen Heintz discussed the Rockefeller Brother Fund's experiences with mission-related investing during his keynote address at Confluence Philanthropy's Practitioners' Meeting on January 26, in New York City. Mr. Heintz encouraged the group of foundation leaders and financial advisors to prioritize mission-related investing, and talked about the RBF's early progress since helping to create the Sustainability Investments Initiative last year.

Culpeper Arts & Culture

New York City's arts and cultural community is gearing up to welcome dozens of artists from Cuba and across the United States to partake in "¡Sí Cuba!" a three-month festival celebrating Cuban arts and culture that will encompass music, dance, cinema, literature, and the visual arts. The festival will run from March 31 to June 16 in venues across New York City.

News & Announcements
Democratic Practice

Naomi Jackson, program officer for the New York City program, examines why only 21 percent of eligible voters, ages 18-29, turned out for the 2010 midterm elections, and offers ways to engage and empower young people in time for 2012.

News & Announcements

The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars has released a special edition of their China Environment Series. This 11th issue focuses on major energy trends in China and examines the energy and climate relations between the United States and China. 

Sustainable Development

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund has updated its Sustainable Development guidelines. The new guidelines clarify the Fund's definition of 'sustainable development' as well as its focus on the single goal of advancing solutions to climate change with four accompanying strategies.

News & Announcements
Culpeper Arts & Culture

Ash Hammond, development coordinator at F.I.E.R.C.E., an RBF grantee, has co-written a piece reflecting on the spike in LGBTQ violence in 2010, and the commitment to working for a more peaceful year in 2011. The essay, "Shoulder to Shoulder, Ending the Violence," appeared in The Huffington Post on Dec. 30, 2010, and was co-written with Sharon Stapel, executive director of New York City Anti-Violence Project.

News & Announcements

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has appointed RBF President Stephen Heintz to serve on the Commission on Key National Indicators.   The bipartisan Commission is charged with overseeing the implementation of the Key National Indicator System, which will be executed by the National Academy of Sciences.

News & Announcements
Democratic Practice
Sustainable Development

Jared Duval’s book, Next Generation Democracy: What the Open Source Revolution Means for Power, Politics, and Change debuted as the number one bestseller in Amazon’s Democracy and Civics category on Nov. 9. The book began as a project about youth organizing, climate change, and democratic renewal for Demos.

News & Announcements

The 990-PF form provides information on the RBF’s  assets, liabilities, revenues, charitable distributions, operating and administrative expenses,excise tax computations, and compensation of officers, trustees or directors.

Philanthropic Stewardship

RBF President Stephen Heintz and president of the Center for Effective Philanthropy, Phil Buchanan, share their insight on how new philanthropists like Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg can make the greatest impact with their giving. In an op-ed featured in the San Jose Mercury News, they address Zuckerberg and others who have signed onto the Giving Pledge.

News & Announcements